Monthly Archives: January 2015

Monday Musings | Resolutions

I hadn’t planned on making any resolutions this year. I have everything I could want and need in life. That’s true. I’m not saying it to brag. I honestly feel like this is the first time in my life I haven’t felt like I was waiting for something to happen or that something is missing from my life. It’s a fantastic feeling. I am lucky and grateful and #blessed to feel this way. So resolutions seemed unnecessary this year. I just wanted to sit back and enjoy things.

So that’s what I’m going to do. Instead of focusing on things I want this year, I’m going to focus on the things I have and work on making them better. My theme for the year is “less is more”. Less time worrying and more time enjoying. Less time complaining and more time appreciating. Less frivolous spending and more money for experiences. Etc, etc. Usually at the New Year I feel as though it’s an opportunity to become a whole different person. This year I’ll be skinnier. Or, this year I’ll be more organized. This year I just want to become more like myself. I plan on keeping the things that make me happy and spending more time focusing on those things. I’m going to let go of things that don’t work for me. I want to simplify. I just want to live in that delightful middle area where you don’t feel as though you’re a complete waste of oxygen and you also don’t feel like you’re living someone else’s life. I want to live in that sweet spot where everything is just right and can only get better.

I have had this feeling lately that really big, wonderful things are headed my way this year. When they get here I want to be ready and waiting with open arms. I feel like if I lay the right foundation now, every little positive thing I do, every time I choose to be happy and optimistic instead of depressed is one step closer to building the best year ever. Like begets like, positivity begets positivity. This I have absolutely found to be true. So I’m heading into 2015 feeling good and seeking happiness. I hope you all try to do the same and that it brings you everything you could hope for.

Happiest of New Year’s to you and yours!

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