Monthly Archives: January 2019

New Year, New Me

I know, I know. We’re not doing the whole “new year, new me” thing anymore. Resolutions are out. It’s not healthy to reinvent yourself every year. And don’t you dare let Diet Culture brainwash you into thinking you need a weight-related goal this year. YOU’RE PERFECT JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.

But for me, this year more than any other before, I truly feel as though I am a “new me”. Because this year, I’m a mom. 

Everyone says that becoming a mother changes you, but the reality of that is w i l d. I definitely did not fully comprehend what that meant until it actually happened to me. The first few weeks were HARD. It felt like I’d given up my entire life in the blink of an eye. Nothing would ever be the same. The days of just popping out to Target were over. Hell, the days of having even five minutes to be alone with my thoughts were over. It was a harsh realization. One that I hadn’t prepared myself for at all. 

Four and a half months into this whole motherhood thing and I feel like I’m finally getting the hang of it. I am indeed able to pop out to Target again, only now I have a shopping buddy. So while some things went back to normal, my life is still completely different. The goals and aspirations I had pre-baby aren’t the goals and aspirations I have now. The things that felt important before don’t feel important anymore. Everything is now looked at through the lens of “how will this affect my child?” 

So yeah, I am becoming a New Me this year. And not only am I okay with it, I’m excited about it. I’ve got goals and new strategies for achieving them (more on that later). It also helps that the pregnancy fog I was in for all of last year has finally lifted. Me and this sweet bug are taking on 2019 with gusto. 

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